High Impact Actions
“I learned so much about myself and my team. It was amazing to see how we started to transform in such a short period of time”
Every leader is unique, and so is the team you lead.
Here are a selection of ways in which we help you and your team do well for the business, and feel well at the same time.
Senior Team Offsite
Re-energize your leadership team
We specialize in bringing the challenging and impactful conversations to the table when you involve us in your next Senior Team offsite. Our work with you will re-align your team, enhance communication and take trust to new levels.
How do we work with you? Prior to the meeting we spend time one-on-one with each member of the team to understand their perspective. We then build a program to run over 1.5 days – one if absolutely necessary – which we facilitate. After we create accountability with an online team check in and always share insights that help you lead your team to do well for the business and feel well.
Our focus is often referred to as being all about ‘how you work together’ and our skill is in aligning this to your strategic plan – ‘what you do together’ – to create a powerful combination that will see your LT re-energized and boosted by their time together.
Leadership Team Accelerator
Invest in your People, Purpose, and Productivity
You’ve secured a great leadership role, and hired the right people for your team. Now you need them to do well for the business and feel well too.
How do we work with you? Typically we plan a 6-12 month program based on your leadership, your goals, and business context. It starts with our unique Thriving Teams assessment process and some engaging conversations that:
Get everyone aligned on why you're doing what you do, and feel empowered to do it
Help your people personally connect with each other and truly believe in what the team stands for
Coach your team in bringing out the best from each other, so they feel fulfilled, confidence grows, and innovation and excellence flow.
By empowering leaders to create Thriving Teams across the Life Science industry, we are inspiring a new way of working which drives better outcomes for patients around the globe.
Staff Survey Response
Engage and activate your People
Now you’ve got the data, we help you switch your mindset to make what your people tell you once a year into an ongoing conversation that informs your long-term mission to make your company a great place to work. Our unique approach using deep dive conversations and engaging kick off meetings, helps you:
Understand what your people are really saying
Focus on what you are doing well (to amplify it) and on where you need to improve (to fix it)
Plan year-round activity in response
Always involve people in the solutions
Our partnership with clients has led to significant increases in engagement scores, reductions in miscommunication and improved outcomes.
Senior Leader Coaching
Build on and deploy your strengths
Coaching is sought by top performers in every profession who value their growth potential.
All our programmes are individually designed for you, and last a minimum of six months. We aim to deliver benefit for you and the organization in clear and practical ways. Here’s how we do it:
We use a range of methods, feedback, and data to focus on developing the right capacity for current and future leadership opportunities.
Our unique partnership approach is designed to achieve maximum impact and the highest level of learning.
Unlike traditional coaching, we bring three distinct perspectives to the discussions – advisor, mentor, and coach.
At FiveAndCo. we believe focus on developing areas where you are already strong and developing those areas where you tend to get stuck.
“Five&Co. take the time to really understand who we are and our context…. the support we received from was a business enabler and helped us evolve in line with new challenges and needs.”